You should have a detailed discussion about your personal circumstances with your loan officer to determine the best loan for you.
Generally speaking, your credit score needs to be at 640. However, there are exceptions to that rule so make sure you discuss with the loan officer!
We have multiple loan options to get into your new home with ZERO MONEY DOWN. However, even though the loan is 100% financed, you are still required to front the funds for earnest money (generally 1% of sales price), option fee (generally $100), and inspections (generally range from $400-$700).
Below is a very brief summary of some mortgage and loan types. Again, for more detailed information, please contact a loan officer directly.
203K Loan
A Guide to Closing Costs
The Buyer Can Generally Be Expected to Pay For
- Record warranty deed
- Record the deed of trust
- Courier fee
- Escrow fee
- Tax service fee (lender charge)
- Full-year homeowner’s insurance policy (lender charge)
- 2-3 months of hazard insurance escrow (lender charge)
- Tax Reserve (lender charge)
- Loan application and/or discount fee (lender charge)
- Appraisal (lender charge)
- Credit report (lender charge)
- Lender document preparation (lender charge)
- Flood certification (lender charge)
- Mortgage insurance premium – MIP or
- PMI (lender charge)
- Miscellaneous loan fees (lender charge)
- Survey
- Homeowner’s association dues and fees
- Guaranty Fee
- Any other costs as outlined in the real estate contract
- Inspection fees
The Seller Can Generally Be Expected to Pay For
- Owner’s Title Policy premium
- Record release of existing lien(s)
- Current year real estate tax pro-ration (per contract)
- Prior year’s property taxes still due (if due)
- Homeowner’s association dues and fee (if applicable)
- Escrow fee
- Commissions (per listing agreement)
- Any other cost as outlined in the real estate contract
- Tax certificate
- Attorney Documents Prep Fee and Deed and Release
- Homeowner’s Transfer Fee (if applicable)
- Guaranty Fee
- Any other costs as outlined in the real estate contract
- Termite Work
- Home Warranty